Instead of a merit badge I passed off, I would like to say of a guest blogger that I usually love to say on my Mom's blog. Here it is:
That’s kind of like the movie A Christmas Story, the part where the kids forced a kid to stick his tongue on a flag pole. I was lucky that I didn’t get my tongue all the way stuck to the lamppost. Our lamppost was made of fiberglass instead of metal, but everyone thought that I was being funny. They knew I wouldn’t really get my tongue stuck.
Okay, remember what I told you about the part of the kids forcing a kid to stick his tongue on a flagpole? Well I think that’s bullying to others. I’ve never been bullied at school in my life, sort of. I just think it’s a lesson that we do not bully others, otherwise, you’ll get bullied yourself. I made this video for Reflections that talks about bullying. It’s actually a music video with the some parts of the family showing of how bullying is bad.
Now you realized that those are really wonderful things on how to make the world a better place, by just being nice to other people. So whenever you get bullied or put in a situation like that, don’t make it go wrong, just fix it and then the problem will be solved.
***My video has moved on to Region Competition. If it wins there, I will compete at State. We think it's fun, but that's because it is full of our favorite people!***
Great job and good words of wisdom. Good luck with your video competition!